10 best privacy web browsers for Android (2024)

10 best privacy web browsers for Android (1)

Joe Hindy / Android Authority

Privacy is a bigger deal now than ever before. People know how sites can track them these days and are taking active steps to prevent it. After all, some of that tracking can be pretty creepy. A good privacy browser can help. They generally don’t save cookies, often block trackers, and sometimes even block advertising. There are three types of privacy browsers. The first actively deletes all traces of you browsing the web after you exit, including cookies, history, passwords, etc. The second type blocks trackers and ads and keeps websites from knowing who you are. Finally, the third type does both. We have all three types on this list. Here are the best privacy web browsers for Android.

The best privacy browser apps for Android

  1. Brave Browser
  2. Dolphin Zero
  3. DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser
  4. Fennec (F-Droid)
  5. Firefox
  1. Frost+ Incognito Browser
  2. Vivaldi
  3. Incognito Browser
  4. Tor Browser
  5. Any browser with a VPN

Brave Browser

Price: Free / In-app purchases ($9.99 – $99.99 per item)

10 best privacy web browsers for Android (2)

Brave Browser is a decent privacy web browser. It comes with most of the usual stuff including ad and tracker blocking, a private search, an incognito mode, HTTPS Everywhere, script blocking, third-party cookie blocking, and more. This browser was torn down and rebuilt several times over the last few years and there are a few bugs here and there. It works rather well other than that. Plus, the app is free and it looks nice.

Dolphin Zero

Price: Free

Dolphin Zero is an above-average incognito browser. The app boasts a small download size (500kb), a Do Not Track mode that prevents the app from storing a bunch of information as well as an ad blocker. It’s not quite as powerful as some others. However, if all you need is to make sure nobody sees your browsing history, this one does a reasonable enough job. Plus, it has some neat features like gesture controls, themes, and the ability to download video content.

DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser

Price: Free

DuckDuckGo is a fairly trustworthy name in online Internet browsing. The company’s web browser is measurably less intrusive than Google or Bing and people choose it for that reason. The privacy browser by DuckDuckGo isn’t half bad either. The app blocks all hidden third-party trackers that it can find and then show you what it blocked. Additionally, it uses its own search engine by default and it doesn’t track your online movements. Finally, it also uses HTTPS Everywhere to keep your web life a secret. The app works fairly well as a browser and we honestly have no real complaints about it.


Price: Free

10 best privacy web browsers for Android (5)

Fennec is an open-source browser that is similar to Firefox, but without the Firefox branding. It’s only available on F-Droid since you can get regular Firefox on the Google Play Store. This version is slightly different from the Google Play version. It removes some telemetry stuff that the full version has, and also removes proprietary Google stuff like Google Play Services for notifications. That makes it a bit more private than the official version, which we still include on this list. Otherwise, the features are identical. Syncing across platforms works, as does add-ons, plugins, and the other stuff Firefox is known for.


Price: Free

Firefox has a lot going for it in terms of security. It had a browser, Firefox Focus, that was on this list for a while. However, most of its features were rolled into Firefox proper. The app contains tracking protection that automatically blocks over 2,000 online trackers. You can also change the search engine to whatever you want and there are add-ons that add even more security and privacy if you want. The big win here is Firefox is cross-platform with syncing so you can use the same thing on all of your platforms without issue.

Frost+ Incognito Browser

Price: $2.99

10 best privacy web browsers for Android (7)

Frost+ Incognito Browser is another less popular pick with some good features. The app automatically deletes your browsing data when you exit the app. Additionally, it has both an image vault as well as a bookmark vault. Anything you download from here is hidden from the rest of your phone and your bookmarks are hidden from anyone trying to access your web browser. You simply put your password into the address bar and you get access to all of your hidden stuff. It doesn’t work so well on things like trackers or ads, but it does protect from other people in the real world pretty well. There’s also a free version available on Google Play Store.


Price: Free

Vivaldi is a newer fast and super customizable chromium-based browser. This one has gained popularity with many users due to its new features and customization. There’s stuff like desktop-styled tabs, an in-built Adblocker, protection against trackers, and even a private translator. One neat feature is the personalized speed dial, which allows you to favorite bookmarks as speed dials on the new tab from where you can access them quickly. The two-level stack tabs are also one prominent feature. Overall, it’s a great browser.

Incognito Browser

Price: Free

Incognito Browser is an above-average privacy browser for mobile. It covers a lot of the basics you want in this category. It erases your history every time you close the app. Additionally, it comes with a dark mode, saves no data to the phone, and it lets you choose your search engine. The app doesn’t stop sites from tracking you, unfortunately, but it does make sure nobody knows what you do on your web browser except you. It’s a decent overall experience.

Tor Browser

Price: Free

Tor Browser is one of the biggest names in privacy. It connects directly to the Tor network and, like InBrowser, that makes tracking you really difficult for websites. The app also deals with trackers, has three levels of encryption, and the app functions fairly well as a browser too. This one is a bit overkill but we quite enjoy stuff like that. InBrowser is the more mature browser with better features but if you must have three levels of encryption, you now know where to go.

Any browser with a VPN

Price: Free

10 best privacy web browsers for Android (9)

The biggest thing websites use when tracking you is your traffic fingerprint and your IP address. A VPN can help block both of those things on its own. Thus, you’d be free to use whatever browser you want and all anybody sees is that you’re using a VPN. VPNs also have the benefit of working in every app and not just the browser. There are a ton to choose from and only some of them are good. You want something with a strict no-logging policy and other privacy features. We have a great list of them here if you want to check that out. We put ProtonVPN at the button below because it has a free, unlimited version (at slower speeds) and good privacy features. A good VPN turns any browser into one of the great privacy web browsers.

If we missed any great privacy web browsers, tell us about it in the comments. You can also click here to check out our latest Android app and game lists.
Thank you for reading.

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    10 best privacy web browsers for Android (2024)


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    Software, services and privacy guides to fight surveillance with encryption for better internet privacy.
    • Firefox: Top Privacy Browser for Android. ...
    • Firefox Focus: Private Mobile Browser for Android. ...
    • Brave: Fast, Cross-Platform and Block Ads & Trackers. ...
    • Tor: Encrypted out of the box for extra privacy and anonymity.

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    Endorsed by Edward Snowden, Tor is arguably the best known privacy-focused browser. It prevents unauthorized snooping with the help of its built-in hidden relay servers, comes with pre-configured security features, and can run from a USB flash drive.

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    Best browsers for privacy
    • Brave. This Chromium browser blocks third-party ads, cookies, and trackers by default and includes an optional VPN, social media blocking, and partitioning of your data, among other security features. ...
    • Tor. ...
    • Firefox. ...
    • DuckDuckGo.
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    Best browser for privacyAd tracking prevention?Onion routing?
    Mozilla FirefoxAvailable ✓X
    DuckDuckGoAvailable ✓
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    Here Are the Most Secure Browsers in 2024. Brave — Good for blocking ads, prevents browser fingerprinting, and has high-level security features. Mozilla Firefox — Fast browser with excellent privacy features (and lots of extensions), but you need to change its settings to increase security.

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    Which Browser Is the Most Private? Brave and Tor have the most effective protection against tracking among the browsers included here. Brave was the only browser for which the EFF's Cover Your Tracks test reports strong protection and a randomized fingerprint.

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    Follow these steps to hide your identity online completely:
    1. Connect to a VPN, which will hide your IP address and browsing history.
    2. Use Tor as your browser, which hides your IP address and your web activity.
    3. Use a secure email provider like ProtonMail, which provides end-to-end encryption.

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    According to a study done by researchers at Trinity College, Yandex and Edge are the two worst browsers for security. The study also found that Edge sends users' hardware ID, IP address, and location to back-end servers which over time can reveal your identity.

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    Browser privacy showdown: a head-to-head comparison
    BrowserOpen SourceTelemetry/Data Collection
    Tor BrowserYesNone
    Mozilla FirefoxYesOptional telemetry
    BraveYesMinor telemetry
    Google ChromeNoExtensive data tracking
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    Check if your Chrome browser is managed
    1. Open Chrome .
    2. At the top right, select More .
    3. Check the bottom of the menu. If you see “Managed by your organization,” your browser is managed. If you don't, your browser isn't managed.

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    On the other hand, the worst web browsers of 2023 are Internet Explorer, Yandex, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Baidu. They lack performance, security, and features, making them unfit for any serious browsing tasks. To keep your data and online experience safe, make sure to download one of the top web browsers of 2023.

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    Firefox is known for its commitment to user privacy and security. It includes features like Enhanced Tracking Protection, which blocks third-party trackers, and a strict content-blocking mechanism. Mozilla regularly releases security updates to keep users safe from emerging threats.

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    The best private browser for Android is Ghostery Private Browser. Our private Android browser features: Built-in Tracker and ad blocker.

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    1. Startpage. Startpage is one of the best alternatives to Google due to its high-quality search results and commitment to user privacy. ...
    2. DuckDuckGo. If you've ever looked for a private search engine, you probably came across DuckDuckGo. ...
    3. Qwant. ...
    4. Searx. ...
    5. SearchEncrypt. ...
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    Microsoft Edge has a reputation of being one of the worst web browsers, probably due to being slow and unintuitive. According to a study done by researchers at Trinity College, Yandex and Edge are the two worst browsers for security.

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