Energy Efficiency Council releases Roadmap for Heat Pump Hot Water Systems (2024)


(Sydney, 5 August 2024). The German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Australien) recognises the tremendous work of the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) and their work on the newly published Roadmap for heat pump hot water systems. With members like Stiebel Eltron and Viessmann in the membership base, the topic of heat pumps has been in the German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce’s interest to move forward in Australia. The roadmap includes a revision of Australian standards, especially highlighting the lack of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS), the requirement of training and upskilling of the workforce, building consumer trust and having sustainability in mind. The implementation of the roadmap will continue to take time, but AHK Australien is delighted that a great first step is done to improve and strengthen the industry.

To gain more insights into the industry and the roadmap, AHK Australien was able to sit down with Glenn Day, Head of Public Affairs & Engagement of Stiebel Eltron.

  • Why was a hot water system heat pump roadmap required & what does the heat pump roadmap recommend?

Heat Pump Hot Water Systems (HPHWS) have been identified as a critical technology for electrification and emissions reduction. To help provide Australians with access to clean, healthy hot water at low cost. Whilst Governments have offered incentives via energy saving certificates and rebates, there has been many boom & bust cycles over nearly 20 years. These cycles created many concerns, manufacture investment uncertainty, lack of consumer awareness, lack and no movement in minimum energy performance standards, no continual update of Australian Standards, confusion for consumers, no consistent policy and no investment in skilled professionals for installation and servicing. Given these concerns, a roadmap was required, and thankfully a project to deliver one was funded by the Victorian and New South Wales Governments. The HPHWS Roadmap Industry Steering Group (ISG) was developed and facilitated by the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC). The EEC authored the roadmap and underlying report in very close consultation with the ISG, many of whom signed the final roadmap.

The roadmap sets out recommended actions across five key areas to support successful scale-up of the HPHWS market as identified by a diverse-cross section of industry players.

  • Building consumer confidence.
  • Ensuring the quality of the Australian HPHWS industry.
  • Unlocking a trusted and highly skilled workforce.
  • Empowering Australians to access the benefits of HPHWS.
  • Creating a sustainable industry.

Beneath these five key areas are 17 recommendations, some industry led, some government led, and some a collaboration between industry and government. They cover such topics as standards, supply chains, end of life stewardship, vulnerable and low income households, and training of all trades involved with installation & service of HPHWS.

  • What lessons were you able to be provided from Germany or other European countries ?

Germany and the EU are a more mature market than Australia, with many of the recommendations implemented for many years, even decades, with continual development and updating of requirements in these markets. Having the knowledge from the European Heat Pump Association, Keymark, German Heat Pump Association, Swiss Heat Pump Association and UK market helped with awareness of what had succeeded. We can confidently state the Australian HPHWS roadmap recommended actions algin with what has occurred in the EU.

June 2021 was the release of a document titled Further, Faster, Together – Opportunities for collaboration between Germany and Australia on energy efficiency in buildings. One of the recommendations from this document was: Commission research and facilitate dialogue on unlocking the potential of heat pumps. A document that was helpful in achieving the current outcomes.

  • How long did it take to compile, and who else was involved?

The roadmap took approximately 12 months to compile. With expert one on one interviews and approximately bimonthly ISG meetings. The ISG consisted of 29 organisations including manufactures, Accredited Certificate Providers (ACPs), financiers, importers, industry and trade associations.

  • What are the next steps?

Development of an Industry Consultative Group (ICG), which will be made up of industry associations, professional associations, union bodies, other NGOs where relevant, Government interested in collaborating with industry, training and educational bodies. The ICG will monitor roadmap progress and create opportunities for governments to implement recommended actions. One of the recommendations is that government should fund a HPHWS roadmap for commercial and residential strata buildings. I believe this needs to be created ASAP due to the uptake of these products with the same concerns, but on a larger scale than HPHWS. The other heat pump categories that require addressing are air and ground sourced heat pumps that can provide all or serval of these modes, heating, hot water, cooling and ventilation.

The Roadmap and Report can be found via EEC’s website.

Energy Efficiency Council releases Roadmap for Heat Pump Hot Water Systems (2024)


What are the disadvantages of a heat pump hot water system? ›

One of the main drawbacks of heat pump water heaters is their higher initial cost compared to conventional water heaters. Although they are more energy-efficient in the long run, the upfront investment can be a barrier for some homeowners.

Are heat pump hot water systems worth it? ›

Heat pumps are significantly more energy efficient than standard hot water heaters because instead of using energy to generate new heat, they collect existing ambient warmth and transfer it to the water. This efficiency can save you hundreds of dollars on energy bills each year.

What is the most efficient heat pump water heater? ›

The Rheem ProTerra XE65T10HS45U0 is the best overall heat pump water heater we've found, with a Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) rating that's at least four times more efficient than that of any other standard electric or gas water heater.

How long do heat pump hot water systems last? ›

On average, a heat pump hot water system can last between 10 to 15 years, but proper installation and regular servicing are essential to ensure it lasts as long as possible. Factors such as the quality of the components and the environment in which the system is installed can also impact its lifespan.

What is the major problem of heat pump? ›

Some common reasons include a malfunctioning thermostat, a refrigerant leak, or a faulty compressor. When a heat pump runs non-stop, it not only places unnecessary stress on the unit but also leads to inefficient operation and increased energy consumption.

Why are heat pumps so inefficient? ›

When it's extremely cold outside, the temperature difference is large, which makes it harder for the heat pump to transfer heat effectively. As a result, the heat pump may have to work harder and use more energy to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, which can reduce its overall efficiency.

Who should not get a heat pump? ›

Heat pumps might struggle in drafty, poorly insulated homes. You might need to upgrade your electrical service to support whole-house electric heating. And it's possible that you'll want to keep (or add) a backup heating system just in case the weather gets so unusually cold that your heat pump can't keep up.

Can you run out of hot water with a heat pump? ›

The capacity of your heat pump's hot water tank is crucial. If the tank is too small for your household's needs, you might find yourself running out of hot water. Conversely, a tank that's adequately sized for your home should provide a continuous supply, even during peak usage times.

What is the most efficient hot water system? ›

Heat pump water heaters extract heat from the ambient air outside to heat the water in the tank. Suitable for areas where the climate is mild to hot. Heat pumps are 2-3 times more energy-efficient than storage electric hot water systems.

What is the best hybrid hot water heater in 2024? ›

The best heat pump water heater in 2024 is the Rheem Performance Platinum due to its cost, size, energy efficiency, rebates, and other features. This model is closely followed by the Rheem ProTerra, Stiebel Accelera 300 E, A. O. Smith Signature 900, and Bradford White AeroTherm, among others.

What is better, Rheem or AO Smith? ›

Both of these companies offer top-notch products, though there are distinct differences that could inform your purchasing decision. AO Smith has a⁢ slight edge in energy efficiency,⁣ but both are industry leaders. Rheem offers superior smart technology features.

What is the quietest heat pump hot water heater? ›

3 Quietest Hot Water Heat Pumps to Consider
  • Rheem Performance Platinum. Rheem Performance Platinum is renowned in the industry for its almost-no-noise system unit. ...
  • AO Smith Signature Premier. The AO Smith Signature Premier stands out in terms of features and efficiency. ...
  • Mitsubishi Electric Hyper Heat.
Mar 18, 2024

Where is the best place to put a hot water heat pump? ›

Hot water heat pumps are generally best positioned outside, where they'll have access to fresh air.

What brand of hot water system is most reliable? ›

Best hot water system brand

The brands we have discussed above are generally very reliable, particularly if you go for their premium products. So, some names you can rely on are Bosch, Dux, Sanden, Rinnai, Steibel ,Rheem, Solahart , Aquamax & Vulcan, just to name a few.

How long does it take to install a heat pump water heater? ›

3 It Doesn't Take Long

You can do it on your own time. After gathering your permit and materials, you'll need about half a day, or 4–5 hours, including draining and filling the tank. I installed it in our insulated and finished garage.

What is the major disadvantage of a heat pump system? ›

Heat Pumps Can Be Noisy

While modern heat pumps are designed to operate quietly, they can still produce more noise than some traditional heating systems, especially older or less efficient models.

Is a hot water cylinder better than a heat pump? ›

Energy efficient – A hot water heat pump system uses less electricity than an electric resistance hot water cylinders and less energy than gas water heating, as it only uses electricity to drive the compressor and the fan to circulate air, rather than using electricity to heat the water directly with an electric ...

Do you get constant hot water with a heat pump? ›

A standard heat pump doesn't provide hot water on demand like a combi boiler, so you'll need a way of storing hot water for when you need it, like a hot water cylinder.

Are heat pumps high maintenance? ›

Heat pumps are one of the easiest HVAC solutions to maintain because they use the same components for both heating and cooling. The same heat pump components and processes that cool a home are simply reversed automatically by the mini-split system when it's switched from cooling in the summer to heating in the winter.

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