Life's Little Instruction Book: 511 Suggestions, Observ… (2024)

Sten Bolander

37 reviews4 followers

March 5, 2012

My folks gave this book to me on St. Patricks Day 1992. I have since read it. They made some notes throughout which made it extra special. My Dad even added a few at the end, "512 - Always date letters, papers and documents (still do this and kick myself when I don't), 513 - Wear sweaters instead of lighting fires, 514 - Be Happy, 515 - Be Swedish (from the full-blood Swede)." Dad added a quote as well from Ray Bradbury, "If we listened to our intellect, we would never have a love affair. We'd never have a friendship. We'd never go into business, because we'd be cynical. Well, that's nonsense. You've got to jump off cliffs all the time & build your wings on the way down." My Mom noted her Dad's motto was 181 - "Wear out, don't rust out." Makes me think of what we have that we don't use. Been trying to pass on things that I am not using so someone else can have the pleasure of using it. Just this weekend received a hymnal from someone who thought I would have more use of it than her. This book began as a gift to the author's son. Glad he shared it with the rest of the world.


893 reviews436 followers

June 15, 2024

My grandfather gave me this book when I was just a child, telling me that these simple words shaped his actions as an adult and that I needed to learn these lessons about life. Two years later, he was tried for war crimes in Bosnia and executed, so his message is a bit conflicted.

I know this is a poor excuse, but in my defense, I came across this book while verifying quotations for something I was writing. It’s like the guy never read a fortune cookie that he didn’t think was brilliant and worth sharing, and not just with people at his table, but everyone enjoying the all-you-can-eat buffet at The Great Wall Chinese Restaurant at the strip mall…and now no one can shut him up.

Number one on this list should be something like, “Come up with an idea to get suckers who never read to buy a book that you can write in an hour.”

In the combined Volumes I, II, and III edition I looked at, there are 1,532 fortune cookies. I did a search and found that 53 of them had something to do with making sure you flush. The guy must have really needed to be reminded of this “virtue” that most well-adjusted humans take completely for granted.

If you read more than five of these entries in a row, you’ll feel a need to strangle the author.

If I were to write a huckster book of this nature, the first entry would be, "Don't read lists; they make you stupider."

    children-s-books not-for-the-humor-impaired

Mukhtar Ibrahim

17 reviews3 followers

October 9, 2013

93- اختر زوجتك بعناية ... لانها مسؤولة عن 90% من سعادتك او تعاستك
125- تعلم كيفية إرتداء ربطة العنق
156- اسعى للتفوق . .لا للكمال
171- لا تياس ابدا من احلامك . .فالرجل الذي يمتلك الاحلام الكبيرة خير من ذلك الذي يلتزم بالوقائع الصغيرة
212- لا تدع الهاتف يقطع اللحظات الهامة من حياتك .. ان الهاتف وجد لراحتك انت .. لا لراحة المتصل !
267- استلق على ظهرك وراقب النجوم
292- لا تدمر الجسور من حولك .. فانت لا تعلم متى ستحتاج لعبورها مرة اخرى
297- تذكر ان الزواج الناجح يعتمد على امرين . .الاول ايجاد الشخص المناسب .. والثاني ان تكون انت الشخص المناسب
304- قس نجاحك بمقدار السلام والصحة والحب الذي تملكه
347- لا تضع الفرصة لاخبار شخص ما كم تحبه
355- عندما تقيم نفسك .. قيم نفسك بمعايرك لا بمعاير غيرك
475- تزوج فقط من تحب
533- لا تبع مبادئك .. ولا تبع احلامك .. ولا تساوم على نفسك
658- تزوج فتاة تحب وتجيد التحدث .. فغدا عندما تكبر سوف تفيدك جدا هذه المهارات الخطابية
706- اذا اردت ان تعرف عن الشخص الذي امامك من هو .. اسئله من هم الشخصيات الخمس التي يرد ان يقابل في حياته
803- لا تتعامل مع صداقاتك الجيدة .. او زواجك الناجح .. او صحتك السليمة وكانها امور من المسلمات !
870- تذكر ان الحب الكبير والنجاح الكبير يتضمنان مغامرة كبيرة
929- حافظ على بعض الغموض في شخصيتك
1049- امتلك بدلة مصممة خصصيا لك
1077- تذكر حياتك قد تتغير بفكرة واحدة .. او بشخص واحد !
1142- ما ان تدخل فراشك اطرد الهموم حتى صباحك
1147- تذكر ان القلب القنوع هو اكثر القلوب سعادة
1175- تذكر يمكنك ان تضيع على نفسك الكثير من السعادة بانطباعك السيء عن الحياة
1244- تذكر نجاحك غداً يعتمد على عملك اليوم
1407- عندما تدخل غرفة ما .. او اجتماع ما ادخل وكأنك تملك المكان
1430- عندما يصمت الجميع خجلاً .. قم وعبر عن رأيك
1444- اسئل نفسك .. هل انت اليوم على الطريق الذي سيوصلك الى المكان الذي تريد ان تكون فيه غداً
1462- دافع عن مبادئك .. حتى لو كان ذلك سيبقيك وحيداً
1515- اطلب النصائح حين تحتاجها .. ولكن تذكر وحدك انت الذي تعلم مالذي يجري معك حقاً
1516- ما ان تقترب من الهزيمة .. استعد لها !


1,004 reviews91 followers

April 5, 2021

Lots of little hints to enrich one's and others' lives and make them more memorable.

Faisal s

115 reviews60 followers

October 18, 2017

كتاب لطيف وشامل كل أطراف الحياة

ولو ان شريعتنا كانت سابقه بحمد الله و أوسع في الحديث عن ممارسة الحياة وما يجب فعله وما يترك .
ولكن لا بأس به كتدريب لغوي و تذكير ببعض الأشياء اللطيفة المنسيه.


349 reviews81 followers

May 16, 2021

A lot of common sense instructions just full of little gems many of which I use. Discovered a copy in a used book store years ago, funny enough just repeating myself but I've implemented many of it messages and even added a few of my own, mainly what it does for me it just keeps you surprised and reminds you about whole pile off stuff that you can control versus the mistake of worrying to much about stuff you can't. It makes you focus on whats really important and be the very best you can be, anywho keeps me happy and definitely rocks my boat.

    actual-books-i-liberated-with-caps read-eons-ago-80-s-90-s whingy-poor-me-self-help


1 review11 followers

April 23, 2014

This is the kind of book that you have to read every once in a while to keep reminding ourselves that it's all about the little things .

Annie ⚜️

513 reviews22 followers

July 23, 2019

Some advice is better than others but still an overall worthwhile read.

Close Enough

304 reviews81 followers

July 23, 2020

"Commit yourself to a mighty purpose"
The author wrote this book for his son as a life guide ,he convyed his own experience through these quick advices and precious wisdom
It is a very helpful book for young people and adults as well, I noticed some inappropriate tips for us but it still be a good one overall.

    eng2020 english


513 reviews1 follower

December 27, 2017

This is one of those books that is simple, not at all difficult to read, yet it has a lot of meaning behind it. This little booklet reminds us that it really is about the little things in life, such as being courteous to everyone and learning to be positive/enthusiastic, are what matter most. Sometimes we need a reminder about what it means to live a good life. If this is you, try some of the suggestions offered in this book.

₊˚ପ⊹ adaia (taylor’s version) ✧ ˖ -͙˚

265 reviews9 followers

August 10, 2023

“Evaluate yourself by your own standards, not someone else’s”

“When someone hug you let them be the first to let go.”

“Your mind can only hold one thought at a time. Make it a positive and constructive one.”

Carol Jones-Campbell

1,797 reviews

June 10, 2020

This book is 511 suggestions, observations and reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life. H. Jackson Brown with extremely thought out how he would approach the writing of this book, and entertain our reading.

The is the introduction he wrote for the book in starting for the book for his son.

"This book began as a gift to my son, Adam. As he packed, his stereo, typewriter, blue blazer, and other necessities for his new life as a college freshman. I retreated to the family room to jot down a few observations and words of counsel I thought he might find useful.

I read years ago that it was not the responsibility of parents to pave the road for their children, but to provide a road map. That's how I hoped he would use these mind and heart reflections. I started writing , and what I thought would take a few hours, in fact took several days. I gathered my collection of handwritten notes, typed them up, and put them in a dime store binder. I walked to the garage and slid it under the front seat of the station wagon. A few days later his mother and I helped him move into his dorm room. When he was all settled in, I asked him to come to the parking lot. It was time for the presentation. I reached under the car seat and, words to the effect that this is what I knew about living a happy and rewarding life, handed him the bound pages. He hugged me and shook my hand. It was a very special moment.

Well, somehow those typewritten pages became the little book you are now holding. You may not agree with all the entries, and from your own life experience, I'm sure you could add hundreds more. Obviously, some are more important than others and from your own experience I'm sure you could add hundreds more. Obviously, some are more important than others, but all have added a degree of joy, meaning, and efficiency to my life.

A few days after I had given Adam his copy, he called me from his dorm room. "Dad," he said, I've been reading the instruction book and I think it's one of the best gifts I've ever received. I'm going to add to it and someday give it to my son."

Every once in a while life hands you a moment so precious, so overwhelming you almost glow. I know, I had just experienced one." (from H. Jackson Brown, Author)

I love this book. It has fun 511 different items, suggestions, reminders and How to Live a Happy and Rewarding Life." Enjoyed reading the individual items. They are really quite interesting.

Miss Lilli

112 reviews1 follower

August 30, 2015

I was afraid I'd read the book too fast, so after a couple of days, I limited myself to no more than 25 suggestions per day. I usually do all of my reading on the machines at the gym. One suggestion was to be first to say "hi" to a person. That very day, within minutes of reading that suggestion, a man got on the machine next to me and I immediately said hi and started laughing. I told him about the book. We talked and now I have a new friend at the gym.

There were a couple of suggestions that I'm not interested in doing. I don't want to take a photography class.

All in all it was a good book and now I need to go do the last suggestion in the book. I'm going to call my mom.


5 reviews14 followers

September 2, 2012

" ارشادات الحياة القصيرة" لــ جاكسون براون

كتاب رااائع ، عبارة عن نصائح قدمها لابنه وهو داخل الكلية ف اول سنة ليه ، النصائح مثيرة للفكر ، يعني تقعد تتسائل ، يا تري ليه بيقوله كده ؟؟ واشمعني يعملها بالطريقة دي ؟؟

وبتلاقي ان نصايحه مفيدة جدااااا ف الحياة :)

Liliana Karajah

53 reviews6 followers

June 1, 2017

What a great book.
It has like the most touching tips for living life.
Everyone should read it.



22 reviews

September 16, 2017

This was one of the best advice ever given and it was a nice homey book to keep us teens grounded while we separate from our parents as we go away for college.


1,115 reviews

January 22, 2022

My mom gave me this book over 27 years ago. I took it along on a long road trip with my oldest son who is moving across the country. I read it aloud in the car, thinking there’s still so much I should teach him before he’s on his own in a couple of weeks. It inspired some good conversations, a few laughs, and memory sharing. Some of it is very outdated and required explanation to the 23-year-old. Some of it I actually disagreed with! Most of it is still good sound advice.

    inspirational own-a-copy read-in-2022

فـي قبضتــه السحــاب !!؟

318 reviews109 followers

July 31, 2017

أراد المؤلف هنا ارشاد ابنه في أول يوم يرتاد فيه الجامعة بكتابة صفحة أو صفحتين إلا إنه إسترسل والناتج كان هذا الكتاب الذي حقق أموال طائلة نتيجة مبيعاته المرتفعة :) فحقق مردود مالي كبير ولم يكتف بالهدف الإرشادي فقط .. وحقيقة هي ارشادات تستحق الاطلاع رغم بساطتها وعفويتها

لنقتبس شيئاً منها
- لا تستهن بالوقت ولا بالكلمات .. فكلاهما لا يمكن استعادتهما ..
- اسأل نفسك هل انت مرتاح لإعطاء مفتاح منزلك لاصدقائك المقربين ؟ ان لا .. فأبحث عن أصدقاء جدد.
- لا تهدد أحدا .. إن لم تكن قاداً على فعل ما تقول .
- لا تخلط الراحة والسعادة فكلاهما مختلف عن الأخر .
- كن أول من يسامح .
- حوّل أعداءك إلى أصدقاء بقيامك بأمر جميل لأجلهم .
_تذكر .. الصمت أبلغ من الرد أحياناً .
اجعل من عادتك القيام بأمور جميلة لاشخاص دون أن تخبرهم بذلك
- احرص دائما على أن يكون على مد بصرك شيئا جميلا حتى لو كانت زهرة نرجس صغيرة .
- تعلم الإستماع .. فبعض الفرص تقرع الأبواب احيانا بهدوء تام .
- تقبل أطفالك كما هم وليس كما تريدهم أن يكونوا .
- عندكا يتحدث أحدهم عن موقف حدث مهم معه لا تحاول أن تطغى عليه بقصة حدثت معك.. اترك لهم الساحة .. اترك لهم الضوء ..
- عندما تفاوض على مرتبك الشهري ، دوما اطلب ما يزيد عما تريد بـ 10%
- عندما يسيء إليك شخص ما .. فلا ترد عليه الا بعد مضي ساعة كاملة .. وإن كانت الإهانة كبيرة جدا فأجل الرد الى اليوم التالي .
- اعط الناس فرصة ثانية .. ولكن لا تعطيهم الثالثة .
- تعلم كيف تميز توافه الأمور .. ومن ثم تجاهلها .
- كن مستعداً لأن تخسر معركة في البداية لكي تربح الحرب في النهاية .
- لا تفتح باباً لا يمكنك إغلاقه .
- لا تتسائل عن قيمة الراتب لمحدثك .
- لا تدع الممتلكات تمتلكك .
- اجب على هاتفك بحماس وطاقة مرتفعة .. فهي تنتقل للمتصل بك .
- كل شخص تقابله لابد من انه يعلم شيئاً لا تعلمه أنت .. فأحرص على التعلم من غيرك .
- عندما تخسر تعلم من خسارتك .
- لا تدع المشاكل الصغيرة تدمر الصداقات الكبيرة.
‫_ عندنا تنتصر لا تشمت .‬
‫_ عندما تُهزم لا تبرر .‬
تحدث ببطىء ولكن فكر بسرعة
امتنع عن لعب دور المنتصر -
-كن شجاعاً فإن لم تكن فأدعي ذلك .. فلا أحد يعلم الفرق
* امنح ملابسك التي لم ترتدي منذ ثلاث سنوات للفقراء
_ امتنع عن الملاحظات الساخرة
- اختر زوجتك بعناية لانها مسؤولة عن 90 بالمية من سعادتك أو تعاستك

وكثير من الإرشادات الجميلة يستحق القراءة


47 reviews21 followers

June 11, 2014

Some people said a books can change how people see their life and their ways of living, after reading this book I start to believe it's true. This is a simple little gem books, that inspires and reminds us of the importance of appreciating nature, treasuring life's little wonderful moments, and being kind to those around us.

*Spoiler Alert*



- “Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.”

- “Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.”

I highly recommend this book as a great gift for the young adult reaching a milestone in their lives or for anyone that could use a few good ideas that will truly help them live happier and more rewarding lives. No doubt about it!

Finally :

“Instruction for life:

Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

Follow the three R's:
- Respect for self.
- Respect for others.
- Responsibility for all your actions.

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.”


Ahmed Gamal

395 reviews82 followers

October 31, 2022

تجربة أخرى مع مقتطفات من النصائح. وكالمرة الأولى لم أمل أبدا.
لم أكن من محبي هذا الأسلوب الإرشادي لأني لم أؤمن أبدا به، ولم تجذبني الكتب المماثلة لأن أسلوب النصيحة المباشرة في العالم المثالي الذي يتخيله من يكتبها تثير اشمئزازي وتغضبني لأني أرى الكاتب لا يكتب عن عالمنا الواقعي: الذي فيه وان تعاملت بالحسني أو بالسوء فستلاقي غضبا وكرها، والمشهور هذه الأيام هو أن تتعامل بالحسني مع الكل إلا من قلة تتج��هلهم، لا أن تصر على إرضاءهم، وهذا بالضبط ما لم يتطرق إليه هذا الكتاب.
نصائح بسيطة من أب لابنه الذي اعتقد أن كان في مثل عمري الآن، فكانت قريبه منى افهمها واتفهمها. أعجبني معظمها إلا أن بعضا منها وقعت في فخ المثالية التي لا أحبها.
في النهاية كان كتابا مسلي ولا بأس به.

    non-fiction مترجمات


4 reviews8 followers

December 17, 2020

I read it years ago and 2 of his sentences are what remains in my memory and of those 2 one really helped me in getting my ass saved. It is " When you have done a mistake, accept it " . It helped me in not getting a fail grade in college.

The other one is "When you are thrown off a horse get right back up" and this is also a really good one. I think it is time to re-read it. :) and since it was written as a collection to his son I think I should also write something for my future-children anticipating their arrival. :)


5 reviews2 followers

April 17, 2018

Another great book that should be required reading in Highschool or college.

It is basically a list of advice that you should have gotten from your parents. Of course not every “rule” applies to everyone but I feel like everyone can get something out of this book.

The advice the author gives ranges from funny to deep and meaningful.

Overall, a great book that is well worth the few dollars it costs nowadays.


Elizabeth Humphreys

137 reviews7 followers

August 10, 2020

A quick read picked up off of my parents bookshelf mostly because I am a bit behind on my reading challenge for the year. Some of the advise was good, some trivial, and some did not resonate with me. It was interested to see things that I already do in my life in there.


49 reviews19 followers

August 20, 2020

Really nice advice and a bunch of cool little life tips. I enjoyed this a lot

Mou AlShamlan

61 reviews22 followers

September 5, 2013

i highly recommend this book 4 anyone want to live the real life :)

Book Lover ♥️

49 reviews8 followers

August 13, 2023

My favourite instructions from " Life's Little instruction book vol. 1 "
8. Say "thank you" a lot.
9. Say "please" a lot.
16. Be the first to say, "Hello."
33. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated .
43. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day .
60. Admit your mistakes.
93. Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come ninety percent of all your happiness or misery.
94. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who'll never find out.
99. Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures.
123. Learn to listen. Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly .
133. When someone is relating an important event that's happened to them, don't try to top them with a story of your own. Let them have the stage.
139. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.
171. Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.
173. Be kinder than necessary.
175. Give people a second chance, but not a third.
183. Let people know what you stand for—and what you won't stand for.
197. Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.
202. Show respect for all living things.
207. Set short-term and long-term goals.
225 . Never tell anyone they look tired or depressed.
226. When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.
227. Resist giving advice concerning matrimony, finances, or hair styles.
232. Keep your promises.
237 . Seek out the good in people.
250. Learn to show cheerfulness, even when you don't feel like it.
252.Take good care of those you love.
262. Don't gossip .
266. Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.
267. Lie on your back and look at the stars.
274. Leave everything a little better than you found it .
284. Never underestimate your power to change yourself.
285. Never overestimate your power to change others.
297. Remember that a successful marriage depends on two things: (1) finding the right person and (2) being the right person.
300. Don't expect life to be fair.
301. Become an expert in time management.
304. Judge your success by the degree that you're enjoying peace, health, and love.
313. Never underestimate the power of love.
315.Don't bore people with your problems. When someone asks you how you feel — say, "Terrific, never better." When they ask, "How's business?" reply, "Excellent, and getting better every day."
322. Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.
337.Reread your favorite book .
380. Pay attention to the details.
382. Be loyal.
385. Compliment even small improvements.
395. Remain open, flexible, curious.
399. Focus on making things better, not bigger.
429. Be prepared. You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.
438. Every person that you meet knows something you don't; learn from them.
442. Do it right the first time.
443. Laugh a lot. A good sense of humor cures almost all of life's ills.
444. Never underestimate the power of a kind word or deed.
445. Don't undertip the waiter just because the food is bad; he didn't cook it.
448. Don't be afraid to say, "I don't know."
449.Don't be afraid to say, "I made a mistake."
450. Don't be afraid to say, "I need help."
451. Don't be afraid to say, "I'm sorry."
454. Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job .
474. Become someone's hero.
475. Marry only for love.
476. Count your blessings.


215 reviews15 followers

May 25, 2021

Another book that was given to me upon graduating High School. From highlighted portions, it looks as if I read this book at one point. Very few books are not worth re-reading, and I quickly burned through this book in one sitting. Each suggestion listed is great advice and would make awesome habits to implement. I'm looking forward to reading volume two of the same title.

Cindy Sheppard Gidge

602 reviews4 followers

October 22, 2021

Excellent tidbits of wisdom!

    educational entertaining-amusing favorites


30 reviews

April 23, 2023

Cute but nothing special

Kath T

18 reviews

August 30, 2022

Such a cute gift idea. Really made me think.

Life's Little Instruction Book: 511 Suggestions, Observ… (2024)


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The Little Book of Big Change will help the field of addictions and anyone suffering from a debilitating habit to find an easier, more enlightened path to full recovery, not only from habits and addictions, but a recovery of the innate health that is all of our birthright.

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Life's little instruction book, (Volume 1). Rutledge Hill Press, 1991.

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The Tiny Habits Method emphasizes the significance of starting small. By breaking down complex tasks into tiny, manageable steps, it becomes easier to integrate new behaviors into daily routines. As these tiny habits accumulate, they lead to significant, long-lasting changes.

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This iconic 1989 self-help book by Stephen R Covey, shows you how to become a more effective person not only in business but in the rest of your life, by changing how you see the world and better understanding your own definition of success.

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Article information

Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.