Path of Exile Recipes List and Guide (2025)

Path of Exile Recipes List and Guide by radiatoren

Before you read the recipes be aware that:
– Implicit mods, meaning mods inherrent to white items of a type, do not count as mods.
– Modification-names on magic items are made up of prefixes, the name before the base items name and suffixes, the names after the base items name.
– For rares there are 2 randomly generated names applied in front of the items name. For simplicity they are called “rare-names”.
– Different recipes can in certain situations apply to the same items. In that case it is a question of what recipe is deemed more important by the game.
– Itemlevel is describing the level of mods possible to get on the item. You can find an items itemlevel by picking it up and typing /itemlevel. If nothing is mentioned about item-level for crafted items it is likely that the lowest level item in the sell screen will be what determines the resulting items level.

Armourers Scrap
Recipe: Items of armour with 20% Quality (not all identified magic or rare items will work with this recipe!)
Reward: Armourer’s Scrap

Recipe: Any number of Armour-items with 40%+ combined Quality
Reward: Armourer’s Scrap

Blacksmiths Whetstone
Recipe: Weapon with 20% Quality (Only intended to be for white items!)
Reward: Blacksmith’s Whetstone
Finder: Marymouche

Recipe: Any number of weapons with 40%+ combined Quality
Reward: Blacksmith’s Whetstone

Blessed Orb
No known recipes!

Chaos Orb
Recipe: 2 rare rings, 1 rare amulet, 1 rare boots, 1 rare gloves, 1 rare belt, 1 rare armour, 1 rare headpiece + either 1 rare two-handed weapon or 1 rare one-handed weapon + 1 rare shield or 2 one-handed weapons, quivers do not seem to count in any of these recipes!
Reward: 1 Chaos Orb (2 if items are unidentified)
Finder: indczn, tobyTheEneMy

Cartographer’s Chisel
Recipe: Map with 20% Quality (needs confirmation!)
Reward: Chartographer’s Chisel

Recipe: Any number of maps with 40%+ combined Quality
Reward: Chartographer’s Chisel

Chromatic Orb
Recipe: Item with linked blue, green and red sockets
Reward: Chromatic Orb
Finder: wackedupwacky

Divine Orb
Recipe: Any item with 6 linked sockets
Reward: Divine Orb
Finder: Sorcii

Exalted Orb
No known recipes!

Gemcutters Prism
Recipe: Gem with 20% Quality
Reward: Gemcutter’s Prism

Recipe: Any number of gems with 40%+ combined Quality
Reward: Gemcutter’s Prism

Glassblowers Bauble
Recipe: Flasks with 20% Quality
Reward: Glassblower’s Bauble

Recipe: Any number of flasks with 40%+ combined Quality
Reward: Glassblower’s Bauble

Jewelers Orb
Recipe: 1 Orb of Fusing + 1 Chromatic Orb
Reward: 1 Jeweler’s Orb
Finder: UristMcDwarfy

Recipe: Any item with 6 sockets
Reward: 7 Jeweler’s Orb
Finder: UristMcDwarfy

Recipe: 3 maps with same name
Reward: 1 map 1 level higher
Finder: paradox404

Recipe: 1 normal + 1 magic + 1 rare map of the same name and level
Reward: Random unidentified magic map 1 level higher
Finder: Covert

Recipe: 3 rare maps of the same name and level
Reward: Random unidentified rare map 1 level higher
Finder: Covert

Mirror of Kalandra
No known recipes!

Orb of Alchemy
Recipe: 1 rare, 1 magic and 1 normal of same base type and with 20% quality each
Reward: 1 Orb of Alchemy (2 orbs of Alchemy if all 3 items are unidentified)
Finder: Phowl

Recipe: 3 rares with same 2 rare-names
Reward: Alchemy Orb
Finder: Mr_Cee

Recipe: 2 rares with same 2 rare-names and 20% quality
Reward: Alchemy Orb
Finder: Mr_Cee

Orb of Alteration
No known recipes!

Orb of Augmentation
Recipe: 1 rare, 1 magic and 1 normal of same base type
Reward: 1 Orb of Augmentation (2 orbs of augmentation if the items are unidentified)

Recipe: Rare item with 6 mods (also unidentified)
Reward: Orb of Augmentation
Finder: taekvideo

Orb of Chance
Recipe: 1 normal, 1 magic, 1 rare and 1 unique of same type
Reward: 5 Orbs of Chance (same for unidentified items)
Finder: Dentata

Recipe: 2 rares with same 2 rare-names
Reward: Orb of Chance
Finder: wisdorin

Orb of Fusing
No known recipes!

Orb of Regret
No known recipes!

Orb of Scouring
No known recipes!

Orb of Transmutation
No known recipes!

Portal Scroll
No known recipes!

Regal Orb
Recipe: 2 rare rings, 1 rare amulet, 1 rare boots with 20% quality, 1 rare gloves with 20% quality, 1 rare belt, 1 rare armour with 20% quality, 1 rare headpiece with 20% quality + either 1 rare two-handed weapon with 20% quality or 1 rare one-handed weapon with 20% quality + 1 rare shield with 20% quality or 2 one-handed weapons with 20% quality, quivers do not seem to count in any of these recipes!
Reward: 1 Regal Orb (2 if every item is unidentified)
Finder: IMDisappoint

Scrolls of Wisdom
Recipe: Portal Scroll
Reward: 1 Scroll of Wisdom

Recipe: Armourer’s Scrap
Reward: 2 Scrolls of Wisdom

Recipe: Whetstone
Reward: 4 Scrolls of Wisdom

Recipe: Orb of Alteration
Reward: 4 Scrolls of Wisdom

Recipe: Orb of Transmutation
Reward: 4 Scrolls of Wisdom

Combination of Orbs
Recipe: Mirror of Kalandra
Reward: 5 Regal Orbs, 2 Exalted Orbs, 1 Divine Orb
Finder: Elizy


Recipe: 7 Iron Rings + Rare “Paua” or “Coral” Ring
Reward: Rare “Paua” or “Coral” Amulet
Finder: UncleTilty

Recipe: Iron Ring + Skill Gem
Reward: Resistance Ring (red gem = fire, blue gem = frost and green gem = lightning)
Finder: LionGuild

Recipe: Amulet + red Gem + blue Gem + green Gem
Reward: “Onyx” Amulet +10-20 to all stats
Finder: Interesting

Recipe: 5 Items of the same type and of magic or rare rarity
Reward: 1 New Item of that type & Rarity (not identified) with a “random” number of sockets
Finder: ChickenNwaffles

Recipe: Orb of fusing + Mana flask + Life flask
Reward: Vial
Finder: DancingMad6631034

Recipe: Skill Gem + Orb of Scouring
Reward: Skill Gem will loose a level
Finder: Lmaoboat

Transmutation Shard
Recipe: A random unidentified magic item
Reward: 2 Transmutation Shards

Recipe: A random unidentified rare item
Reward: 5 Transmutation Shards

Scrap of Wisdom
Recipe: Random white items
Reward: 1 Scrap of Wisdom

Recipe: Any identified magic or rare item not part of a recipe and without a value in alchemy shards or alteration shards
Reward: 1 Scrap of Wisdom

Recipe: Any unidentified unique
Reward: 1 Scrap of Wisdom

What are mods?
Mods are bonuses on items that will give you an advantage over not having them.

Why do I sell an item for another value than predicted by this list?
The values are found by trial and error and seems to be true most of the time.
Some inconsistencies may be unintentional, while others are intentional! I will look out for intentional differences and update the list!

Any item with no valuable mods according to this list shall give the sale-value of a normal item which is 1 scrap of wisdom.
The following is the values found so far:

Accuracy Mods
Additional Block Chance Mods
Cold Damage Scaling Mods
Damage Return Mods
Elemental Damage Scaling Mods
Energy Shield Recharge Delay Mods
Fire Damage Scaling Mods
Flask Mod ”Adrenaline”
Flask Mod ”Ample”
Flask Mod ”Animation”
Flask Mod ”Avenger’s”
Flask Mod ”Cautious”
Flask Mod ”Craving”
Flask Mod ”Dousing”
Flask Mod ”Gluttony”
Flask Mod ”Heat”
Flask Mod ”Iron Skin”
Flask Mod ”Perpetual”
Flask Mod ”Panicked”
Flask Mod ”Reflexes”
Flask Mod ”Resistance”
Flask Mod ”Sapping”
Flask Mod ”Saturated”
Flask Mod ”Steadyness”
Increased Block And Stun Recovery Mods
Increased Projectile Speed
Increased Stun Duration Mods
Increased Block And Stun Recovery Mods
Life Regeneration Mods
Lifegained On Enemy Death Mods
Lightning Damage Scaling Mods
Mana Gained On Enemy Death Mods (Osmosis)
Mana Mods
Mana Regeneration Mods
Reduced Block And Stun Duration Mods
Stun Threshold Reduction Mods
Weapon Only Elemental Damage Scaling Mods

1 Alchemy Shard
Flask mod ”Surgeon’s”
Items with ”Local Socketed [TYPE] Gems Level +x”
Chaos Resistance Mods

2 Alchemy Shards
Prefix Item Rarity Acquisition Mods: “Pirate’s” and “Dragon’s”
Item Rarity Acquisition Mods: Only “Raiding” and Archeology”
Item Quality Acquisition Mods: Only “Gathering” and “Hoarding”

3 Alchemy Shards
Chaos Resistance Mods perfect

4 Alchemy Shards
Prefix Item Rarity Acquisition Mods: “Pirate’s” and “Dragon’s” perfect
Item Rarity Acquisition Mods: Only “Raiding” and “Archeology” perfect
Item Quality Acquisition Mods: Only “Gathering” and “Hoarding” perfect

1 Alteration Shard
Cold Resistance Mods
Critical Strike Chance Spells Mods
Fire Resistance Mods
Lifegained On Enemy Death Mods perfect
Lifegain Per Target Mods
Lightning Resistance Mods
Mana Gained On Enemy Death Mods (Absorption)

2 Alteration Shards
Attack Speed Mods
Cast Speed Mods
Cold Resistance Mods perfect
Critical Strike Chance Mods
Critical Strike Damage Multiplier Mods
Dexterity Mods
Fire Resistance Mods perfect
Flask Effects Mod ”Inspiring”
Flask Effects Mod ”Refilling”
Flask Effects Mod ”Recovering”
Flask Effects Mod ”Savouring”
Flask Effects Mod ”Sipping”
Flask Mod ”Bubbling”
Flask Mod ”Catalyzed”
Flask Mod ”Caustic”
Flask Mod ”Fending”
Flask Mod ”Seething”
Increased Spell Damage Weapon And Mana Mods
Intelligence Mods
Item Quality Acquisition Mod: Only “Plunder”
Item Rarity Acquisition Mod: Only “Collecting”
Life Leech Mods
Lightning Resistance Mods perfect
Mana Leech Mod (including perfect Thirsty)
Prefix Item Rarity Acquisition Mod: Only “Magpie’s”
Spell Damage Mods
Spell Damage And Mana Mods
Strenght Mods
Weapon Only Spell Damage Mods

3 Alteration Shards
Added Cold Damage Mods
Added Fire Damage Mods
Added Lightning Damage Mods
All Attribute Mods
Elemental Resistance Mods
Energy Shield Mods
Physical Damage Scaling and Accuracy Mods

4 Alteration Shards
All Attribute Mods perfect
Armour, Energy Shield, Block And Stun Recovery Mods
Armour and Energy Shield Mods
Armour and Evasion Mods
Armour, Evasion, Block And Stun Recovery Mods
Armour, Block And Stun Recovery Mods
Armour Mods
Energy Shield and Stun Recovery Mods
Energy Shield Scaling Mods
Evasion and Energy Shield Mods
Evasion and Energy Shield, Block And Stun Mods
Evasion, Block And Stun Recovery Mods
Evasion Mods
Evasion Scaling Mods
Life Mods
Movement Velocity Mods
Physical Damage Mods
Physical Damage Scaling Mods
Weapon Only Added Cold Damage Mods
Weapon Only Added Fire Damage Mods
Weapon Only Added Lightning Damage Mods

6 Alteration Shards
Life Leech Mods perfect
Elemental Resistance Mods perfect

7 Alteration Shards
Item Rarity Acquisition Mod: Only “Collecting” perfect
Item Quality Acquisition Mods: Only “Plunder” perfect
Attack Speed Mods perfect
Cast Speed Mods perfect

8 Alteration Shards
Weapon Only Added Cold Damage perfect
Weapon Only Added Fire Damage perfect
Weapon Only Added Lightning Damage perfect
Physical Damage Mods perfect
Physical Damage Scaling Mods perfect

You can reach and change the latest updated list of mod-values in doc-format here:
Big thanks to all contributors for helping with the mods. The maxed values are open to contribution!

Recipe interactions (under construction, needs further confirmation and expansion!):
Different recipes can in certain situations apply to the same items. In that case the reward is a question of what recipe is deemed more important by the game. Certain interactions also cover the mod values described above, which are lowest priority in most cases.

(as long as we are so early in the making of this list, I will present the informations in a very basic way:

A random unidentified magic item giving 2 Transmutation Shards < Armour-items with 40%+ combined Quality giving Armourer’s Scrap

With the prioritized recipe getting eaten by the crocodile!)

The list so far:

A random unidentified magic item giving 2 Transmutation Shards > Armour-items with 20% Quality giving Armourer’s Scrap

An identified magic item giving Alteration Shards > Armour-items with 20% Quality giving Armourer’s Scrap

A random unidentified rare item giving 5 transmutation shards > An Armour-item with 20% Quality giving Armourer’s Scrap

Rare item with 6 mods giving Orb of Augmentation > Armour-items with 40%+ combined Quality giving Armourer’s Scrap (No improvement for having both)

Rare item with 6 mods giving Orb of Augmentation > Armour-item with 20% Quality giving Armourer’s Scrap (no improvement for having both)

Normal item with 3 linked sockets, 1 of each colour, giving Chromatic Orb > White weapon item with 20% Quality giving Blacksmith’s Whetstone

2 items with same rare-name giving Orb of Chance > 2 rare rings, 1 rare amulet, 1 rare boots, 1 rare gloves, 1 rare belt, 1 rare armour, 1 rare headpiece + either 1 rare two-handed weapon or 1 rare one-handed weapon + 1 rare shield or 2 one-handed weapons giving Chaos Orb

Path of Exile Recipes List and Guide (2025)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Views: 6145

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.