University Housing / Current Residents / Contracts & Processes (2025)

Overflow Housing

University Housing is committed to providing as many students as possible with the out-of-the-classroom learning and life-enriching experiences that come from living in student housing. As more students choose to attend FSU, the demand for student housing continues to increase. Due to the continued popularity of living on campus with both returning students and the incoming class, not every student can be assigned to a standard residence hall space immediately.

To house as many students as possible, University Housing has arranged for alternative spaces referred to as overflow housing spaces. Based on the number of standard spaces available and the date of receipt of your signed housing contract, you may be assigned to a space in overflow housing for the start of the semester.

University Housing has extensive experience with overflow housing, and steps have been taken to ensure that you will experience the same benefits of living in a residence hall as those who have been assigned to standard spaces.

What type of room will I be assigned to?

University Housing has converted study rooms/lounges and other common areas to provide additional space to house students. These spaces have been equipped with furnishings similar to those in regular residential rooms; each resident will have a bunk bed and a hanging rack for clothes. In addition, a refrigerator/freezer and internet access will be provided. Most important, the residential life activities and support will be available to students in these spaces, just as they are to students in regular spaces.

When will I be reassigned to a permanent space?

As soon as a standard residential space becomes available, you will be assigned to a permanent living space on campus based on your priority number and contract submission date. We aim to reassign all students in overflow housing within the first few weeks of the semester, as cancellations are received. However, if we are unable to move all students out of these spaces, some may be converted to permanent spaces for the remainder of the semester. The occupancy of these converted rooms is similar to standard rooms of the same size. If an overflow room is converted to a permanent space, the hanging rack is replaced with an armoire, a desk and desk chair for each resident is placed in the room, and the bed may be replaced.

What is the cost for overflow housing?

Rent for overflow housing is originally billed at the rental rate for a suite double. This allows students assigned to overflow to have a better sense of what their rental rate may be, especially since most students assigned to overflow housing will be reassigned before hall opening.

Students that are still assigned to overflow housing at hall opening will have their rent reduced to $15/day for each day they were assigned to overflow housing. Their rent for the remainder of the semester will be prorated based on the daily rate for their new room. This may result in a small refund after the student is reassigned if student's rent is paid in full before being reassigned.

Room Changes

When room assignments are made, residents are assigned to the room assignment that is as close to their preferences as possible based on their housing priority number. After students are assigned, they may request a reassignment.

The reassignment request website will open approximately one week after room assignments are released. Students that are assigned to permanent (not overflow) spaces may submit a reassignment request. As vacancies occur, our University Housing Assignments staff will review submitted reassignment requests in priority number order to find request that matches the building and room type of the vacancy.

General Information

  • Reassignments cannot be guaranteed.
  • Reassignment requests will remain on file for the entire term and will be processed as openings occur.
  • Students that are reassigned will be responsible for any difference in rent between the old and new space. Click here for rental rates chart.
  • Requests submitted in order to request reassignment for accommodation for a medical/physical condition must provide documentation. Click here to learn about accommodations and required documentation.
  • Residents may not move to a new room or hall without written permission from the University Housing office or their building's hall coordinator or assistant coordinator.
  • Reassignments will not be processed during the first two weeks after the halls open.

Reassignment Request Types

Prior to Hall Opening

  • Mutual Swap -students requesting to change rooms with another student (i.e. friend's roommate) within the same hall and same room type
  • Click for instructions about how to submit all other requests

After Hall Opening

  • Within Building Moves After Move–In — students requesting to change rooms with another student within the same hall and room type (excluding single rooms) need to speak with their hall coordinator or assistant coordinator
  • Click for instructions about how to submit all other requests

Mutual Swap

Prior to hall opening, students requesting to change rooms with another student within the same hall, if they are assigned to the same room type, can submit their request via email to Both students agreeing to change rooms will need to submit the request before any reassignment can be processed. Room change requests within the same hall and room type will be processed once the two students agreeing to change rooms have submitted their request as outlined below. Requests will remain on file until both students requesting to change rooms have submitted their request, or until approximately one week prior to the official hall opening date for the requested term.

Limitations: Requests to swap may be denied if any of the following are true:

  • One student is a Returning Resident and one is an Incoming student
  • One student is part of an LLC and the other is not part of that same LLC
  • If one student has an approved accommodation preventing the swap
  • If one student has opted into a specialty housing program that the other student is not also participating in

How to Submit a Mutual Swap Request

  1. Send an email from your FSU email account to This email should include the following information:
    1. Your full name
    2. Your current assignment: hall and room number
    3. The full name of the person you want to switch places with
    4. That student’s hall and room number
  2. The person you are requesting to swap with must also submit a matching request.

What's Next

  1. If two matching requests are submitted and approved, both students will be reassigned to each other's rooms.
  2. Students will be notified via email that they have been moved.

What a Mutual Request is Not

A mutual swap is not the way that two students that want to be roommates indicate their request to room together. If two students want to be roommates and neither of their roommates are interested in moving, the students must submit a regular reassignment request. In this case, University Housing will only be able to assist if 2 vacancies occur in a room together and both students that want to be roommates: 1) have the best/lowest contract numbers for that vacancy, and 2) both students requested the building and room type that match the vacancies.

Re–assignment Request

Please follow the instructions below to submit a reassignment request unless you are trying to swap rooms with another student in a specific room or, after halls open, if you would like to change to a different room (excluding single rooms) in the same building.

How to Submit a Request

  1. Click here to access the myHousing portal.
  2. Click on Reassignment Request link.
  3. Complete request.

What's Next?

Before Halls Open

  1. If a vacancy occurs, University Housing staff will review reassignment requests on file in priority number order. The student with the best priority number that has a matching hall and room type preference is determined.
  2. Student will be reassigned to new room.
  3. Student will be notified via FSU email that they have been moved.
  4. Within 1–2 weeks, student's rent will be adjusted.

Since reassignments are completed before the halls open without students accepting the room transfer, students must cancel their request before a reassignment is made. Students can cancel their request by logging into their myHousing portal, and making their Reassignment Request "Inactive".

After Halls Open

  1. If a vacancy occurs, University Housing staff will review reassignment requests on file in priority number order. The student with the best priority number that has a matching hall and room type preference is determined.
  2. Student will be offered vacancy via their FSU email. Student has 1 full business day to accept reassignment.
  3. If student accepts reassignment, student will be reassigned to new room.
  4. Student will be notified via email that they have been moved. Student then has 48 hours to complete the move to the new space.
  5. Within 1–2 weeks, student's rent will be adjusted.

Room Selection & Roommates

The information below is only for students that are eligible to participate in the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 Returner Contractprocess.


  • Students that do not meet the Returner Contract process criteria are not eligible to participate in this process or have their rooms selected by those that are eligible.
  • All students that want to live together must mutually request each other no later than January 12, 2024.
  • Students will be able to select up to ONE roommate request after submitting their housing contract.
  • By mutually requesting another student, you are authorizing that individual to select a room for you.
  • Returning residents with vacancies in their rooms will consolidated to a different room with the same room type in the same building to allow as many incoming Summer/Fall 2024 admitted students to be assigned together as possible.This consolidation process may occur several times between March 9th and hall opening. Consequently, returning residents are strongly encouraged to select rooms with other returning residents during Room Selection.

Before Room Selection

You must first submit your Fall/Spring housing contract before selecting a roommate. (You are not required to make your prepayment to select a roommate request; however, you are required to pay within 7 calendar days to avoid having your contract cancelled.) You will not be able to select a room until the prepayment has been paid.

After completing your contract, complete the following to request a roommate by January 12, 2024:

  1. Login to the myHousing portal, if not already logged in
  2. Click "My Home"
  3. Click "Select Roommate Request"
  4. Follow the prompts on the page. (You will need the last name and date of birth of the student that you would like to request.)
  5. Check to see if your requested roommate is "Confirmed". If not, have your requested roommate follow these steps to request you.

Due to limited space availability, we strongly encourage mutually requested roommate pairs to discuss their priorities and come up with the list of buildings and room types that they are interested in before Room Selection begins.

During Room Selection

For the best chance to get the building and room type that you and your mutually requested roommate would like, the individual with the earliest Room Selection start time in your roommate pair should select a room/suite/apartment for your pair.

NOTE: You should check your assignment as soon as your Room Selection window opens, to ensure you were assigned as expected by any requested roommate. If you were not assigned by another student, you should select a room as soon as your Room Selection window opens.

As soon as your Room Selection window opens, complete the following to select a room:

  1. Login to themyHousing portal, if not already logged in
  2. Click "My Home"
  3. Click "Room Selection"
  4. Follow the prompts on the page.

Returner Room Selection Instructions

Special Note for Roommate Requests during Room Selection: Mutually requested roommates can be assigned as a pair by the first person in the pair with a room selection window. However, once a student has been assigned to a space, whether the student assigned him/herself or was assigned by a mutually requested roommate, the student cannot later be moved by a requested roommate. If roommates wish to relocate to a different space after the group has been assigned, each student will need to move themselves to the new space.

Strategies, If Desired Space is Not Available

If there is not space available for you and your roommate(s) in the building and/or room type you want when it is time to select a room:

First Step

Do 1 or more of the following:

  • Select a space in a different building.Example: if your group of 2 wanted a Traditions apartment, try a Ragans apartment instead.
  • Select a different room type.Example: if your roommate pair wanted an apartment, but none are available, try selecting a suite together instead.
  • Drop your requested roommate since individuals will have better chances of finding space than pairs.

Next Step

  • Look for a better match by checking back on myHousing as often as you would like through March 8th - THIS IS YOUR BEST CHANCE!
  • Submit a reassignment request over the summer once it is available (typically in July) — ONLY DO THIS IF ALL ELSE FAILS

Other Roommate Related Information

What if I want to live with someone who is an incoming freshmen/off-campus/transfer student?

Unfortunately, returning residents are not able to select non-returning housing residents as roommates. This includes incoming freshmen/transfer students and current off-campus students.

University Housing / Current Residents / Contracts & Processes (2025)


Does Montclair guarantee housing? ›

Housing for First-Year and Transfer Students

Our housing process is done completely online and there is no paper application to complete or submit. For those who do not meet the above criteria, including students who may be accepted to the University after these dates, housing is not guaranteed.

What is a roommate pull in code Montclair? ›

If you are looking to be pulled into a space, you will need to create a Roommate Code in RMS prior to selection. This is to protect the students by not disclosing personal information (including their CWID number) to other students, and instead, create a specified code that will only work for this purpose.

How much is housing at Montclair State University? ›

Montclair Campus
Bohn, Freeman **Discounted Rate/buildings with No AC$5,722.00**$4,656.00**
Blanton, Bohn, Freeman, Russ, Stone$5,951.00$4,795.00
The Heights (Dinallo and Machuga)$6,800.00$6,160.00
Sinatra Hall$6,540.00$5,724.00
2 more rows

How to select housing at Rider University? ›

All room selections are made through the online housing portal. Students can access the portal by logging into their myRider accounts and clicking on the Housing Portal link under the Housing & Dining Info card.

What is the max rent increase in Montclair NJ? ›

Under certain circumstances and upon application to and approval of the Rent Control Board, a landlord may raise the rent over the maximum permissible annual rent increase of 4% or 2.5%. Such circumstances include: Application for a Hardship Increase.

Why Montclair house prices soar? ›

Short supply drove Montclair's median sale price to a new record of $1.2 million in June, despite a median asking price of $829,000, which was 33% over last June, according to Montclair real estate firm Stanton Company. There were 43 homes sold in June, down from 68 in June 2021.

Can you dorm with the opposite gender at Montclair State University? ›

Montclair State University is proud to offer Gender Inclusive Housing in all of our residential communities, with the exception of Bohn Hall and Stone Hall. G.I.H. is a housing option, which means students will be able to select this option as part of the general housing selection process.

What are roommate rules? ›

10 Roommate Etiquette Tips
  • Actively communicate with your roommates. ...
  • Clean up your own messes. ...
  • Ask before using your roommates' belongings. ...
  • Respect personal space. ...
  • Be mindful when having guests over. ...
  • Split chores equally. ...
  • Contribute to household supplies. ...
  • Pay bills on time.
Aug 5, 2022

What's the difference between a guest and a roommate? ›

Whether you're pleased about their stay or not, guests don't pay rent, don't fund utilities, and aren't liable for any damages. Visiting family, hired household helpers, and college students on break all classify as guests. As a renter, you're welcome to have guests!

What are the best dorms in Montclair State University? ›

Best dorms at Montclair State University?
  • Machuga Heights. 2 reviews.
  • Bohn Hall. 2 reviews.
  • Blanton Hall. 2 reviews.
  • Stone Hall. 1 review.
  • Hawks Crossing. 1 review.
  • Frank Sinatra Hall. 1 review.

What is Montclair University known for? ›

Montclair State University Rankings
  • Best Hispanic-Serving Institutions in America. 99 of 405.
  • Best Colleges for Psychology in America. 163 of 1,127.
  • Best Colleges for Design in America. 177 of 438.

What percent of Montclair students live on campus? ›

At this school, 29% of the students live in college-owned, -operated or -affiliated housing and 71% of students live off campus.

How do colleges choose your dorm roommate? ›

Many schools allow students to choose their own roommates or request roommates before the start of the term. Some colleges, however, may assign roommates to all first-year students. Usually, roommate assignments are based on students' answers to questionnaires.

Can you choose college dorm? ›

Though most colleges do not allow you to pick your room – or even your residence hall – they do give you a say in the type of environment you'd like to be in. With National College Decision Day just around the corner, those housing forms will be sent to you sooner rather than later.

What types of student housing are available to students at MSU? ›

Housing Options
  • Hannon.
  • Hapner.
  • Headwaters Complex.
  • Hyalite Hall.
  • Johnstone Center.
  • Langford.
  • North Hedges.
  • Quads.

Is housing guaranteed at the new school? ›

Housing for incoming first-year students is guaranteed. To be enrolled in on-campus housing, please submit your tuition deposit through the Admission Hub by June 1.

What is the rent control in Montclair CA? ›

With the exception of the one-time annual increase to the base rent as listed above, the maximum permissible annual rent increase on a dwelling unit covered under this law is 4% of the base rent which cannot be charged more than once in any 12-month period as long as no tenant living in the unit is 65 years or older.

Is Montclair expensive to live? ›

Montclair is considered an affluent suburb. The average home value is around $998,800, and the cost of living index sits at 135, which is higher than the New Jersey state average of 119.8 and the national average index of 100.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.