Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (2024)

Home » Twitter analytics: The beginner's guide

by Laura Clevenger

Twitter Analytics is a great (and obvious) place to start if you’re looking for data to inform your social media strategy on Twitter. You can learn everything from Twitter stats, including how your following has grown to how Twitter traffic to your website converts into your overall site #goals.

But is Twitter Analytics… good?

While Twitter Analytics doesn’t collect as much data as other social analytics platforms likeFacebook Insights, the data Twitter Analytics doescollectspeak volumes — if you know how to listen.
In this article, we’ll look at how to have a conversation with your data. We all know that communication is the key to a healthy (data) relationship, and knowing what questions to ask your data will help you improve your Twitter content strategy while letting your data know that you truly care.
How do we do this? To start, you can access Twitter Analytics by At the top, you’ll notice tabs for Tweets and Audiences. These are the sections which we’ll be focusing on (Twitter Cards are a bit more involved). Ready? Here we go.

Questions to ask your Twitter Analytics data

1. How is our following growing?
Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (1)

The first data you’ll see in your Twitter Analytics Home section will look similar to screenshot above.
This section shows you the number of tweets, impressions, profile visits, mentions, followers, and tweets linking to your account over the last 28 days. Twitter Analytics compares these data to the previous period.
The Hometab also offers a monthly summary so that you can track your growth month-over-month. You’ll find these summaries on the right side of the page below the 28 day summary.
Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (2)
Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (3)

If you want dive a little deeper into engagement growth, click on the Tweets tab and on the far right side you’ll see a daily breakdown of engagement rate, link clicks, retweets, favorites, and replies.

Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (4)
Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (5)

You’ll notice that all of these data graphics are fairly intuitive and don’t require any advanced degree in statistics to decipher. All that is required is knowing what to look for and knowing how to use this information to make changes around your Twitter marketing strategy.

Questions to ask your Twitter Analytics data:

  • Which days did we see a lot of mentions?
  • Was there any period that lagged in new Twitter followers?
  • Is our growth consistent and sustained?

Twitter data-driven actions to take:

  • Once you have the above answers above, the next step is to discover the reasons behind these metrics. For instance, you might ask yourself:
    • Whywas there a spike in our tweets’ engagement on April 25th? Did we post something controversial? Did we use a popular hashtag? Did a celebrity or someone with a lot of followers retweet us?
  • Find out what factors and actions drove your Twitter #wins and set about replicating them. On the flip side, if you experienced a period where your Twitter followers or tweet reach dropped, consider what went wrong and stop doing it.

2. What is working with our Twitter content strategy?

Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (6)
Your Twitter Analytics dashboard allows you to gain a quick overview of your most engaging tweets. The overview highlights your tweets that had the greatest numberof impressions and engagement, as well as those with the best engagement rates. For any given tweet, click on View Tweet Details for a more in-depth analysis of engagement. You’ll see impressions by the hour, detail expands (people clicking to read more), link clicks, favorites, retweets, and replies.
Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (7)
If you also post videos on Twitter, there is a Video Analytics section. Click on theMoretab to find this section, as well as information onTwitter Cards, conversion tracking, and your app manager.
Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (8)
The new Videos section on Twitter Analytics looks similar to the Tweets section: Here you can see video views as well as a completion rate broken down by specific videos and the larger video trends for your audience. Metrics include total minutes watched and retention rates (if users start a video, how many get to 25% watched? How many get to 50%, or 75%? How many watch the whole thing?). If you work with a promoted tweets or promoted video strategy, you can also toggle between organic and promoted in this section.
Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (9)

Questions to ask your Twitter Analytics data:

  • Is there a post style that leads to high engagement?
  • Is there a #topic that gets above-average retweets?
  • Is there a certain time of day, or day of the week, that tends to have higher engagement rates?
  • How much of our videos do users typically watch (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%)?

Twitter data-driven actions to take:

Wondering what the social strategy for your organization should be? Use the answers to these questions to develop a fun and engaging voice for your organization:

  • If photos get the most engagement on your Twitter timeline, post more of them.
  • If posting about recent news events gets the most retweets, incorporate more of this in your Twitter content.
  • Does a particular person have consistent interaction with your organization on Twitter? Or is a celebrity following you? Engage with them. Mention them in your tweets. Not all followers are created equal (just ask The Grassroot Project).
  • Do your Twitter followers only watch the first 50% of your videos? Consider cutting down the length of your videos to fit within that average time frame.

3. What are our Twitter followers interested in?

Knowing the demographics of your Twitter followers can and should help inform content creation. By using Twitter analytics to learn about their interests and other accounts they tend to follow, you can figure out what topics and ideas are most relevant to them.You can do this throughkey demographic information in the Followers tab. Here you’ll find gender, top interests, and the top individuals your followers also follow.
At the same time, it’s important to maintain a distinctive voice for your organization and to make sure that your tweets are related to your unique service.
Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (10)
Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (11)

Questions to ask your Twitter Analytics:

  • What is our primary demographic?
  • What accounts are our followers also most likely to follow?
  • What do we have in common with those accounts?
  • Does our content match our users’ interests and our mission and vision?

Twitter data-driven actions to take:

  • Create a user personality (or a few) and try to think about what things they may be interested in. Have printouts of these personas above your computer to remind you of who you’re writing for when you’re creating content.
  • Consider who influences your audience. You can reference these figures in ways that relate to your organizations and you can even try tweeting at these figures.
  • Identify what topics interest your users most and tweet about them more.
Twitter Analytics lets you identify what topics interest your followers so you can tweet about them! Click To Tweet

4. When (and where) should we be most active on Twitter?

Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (12)
Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (13)

Twitter Analytics provides some highly useful location data about your followers. Analyzing where your followers reside can help show your nonprofit how far-reaching your impact is, if you’re reaching audiences that overlap with your work or donor base, and can help with targeting ideal timezones, days of the week, and hours for tweeting.

Question to ask your Twitter analytics:

  • Where do our followers come from?
  • Have we grown beyond a local appeal?
  • Are we reaching our key audience areas?
    • Are we reaching areas of impact?
    • Are we reaching areas that represent our donor base?

Twitter data-driven actions to take:

  • Tweet at a wider range of times to account for your fans across different time zones, or limit your hours if your followers are hyper-focused in one region. Note that this may not always be the region you’re tweeting from.
  • Consider what topics might interest someone in your top city (i.e. sports teams of that city, local events, news, or retailers). Don’t get stuck speaking from a national perspective.
  • Bonus: Check out what time your followers are active on Twitter for free using Followerwonk. You’ll notice below that over 40% of our followers’ Twitter activity takes place outside of our 9-5 hours.

Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (14)


Remember: Metrics are the map, not the destination.
Any data you glean from Twitter analytics — or any analytics tool for that matter — will only give you clues about your organization’s performance. The next step after collecting data is to read between the lines and search for the real answers. Without the metrics, however, it’s nearly impossible to get this process underway.
Go ahead, your data is begging for some interaction. Strike up a conversation! Hungry for more social media analytics? Check out our Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Analytics once you think you have Twitter down pat.
Hey, don't forget to read between the lines of your Twitter Analytics! Click To Tweet
Want to go deeper with your social media analytics? Check out our roundup of the top 7 social media management tools.

Want to learn more about Twitter for nonprofits? Check out ourWhole Whale University course on social media! We’ll teach you how to drive nonprofit impact using engagement data.

Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective (2024)


Twitter analytics: Insights that can make your campaigns more effective? ›

Have multiple posts in your campaigns. By adding multiple Promoted Ads and varying the creative (i.e. using a button, image + URL in post copy, just post copy + URL, etc), you allow the algorithm to have more ads to choose from when determining your best performing ad. Refresh your creatives often.

How can I improve my Twitter Analytics? ›

Here's how:
  1. Understand Your Audience Better. ...
  2. Evaluate the Performance of Your Tweets. ...
  3. Optimize Your Posting Schedule. ...
  4. Track Growth Over Time. ...
  5. Measure the Impact of your Twitter Activity.
7 days ago

How can I make my Twitter more effective? ›

Nine Ways to Use Twitter More Effectively
  1. Develop a social media strategy. ...
  2. Create a social media policy. ...
  3. Establish a sign-off process. ...
  4. Send the right number of tweets. ...
  5. Plan ahead. ...
  6. React to what's happening now. ...
  7. Respond to customer queries quickly. ...
  8. Increase your audience.

What is the best way to optimize a Twitter ad campaign for maximum performance? ›

Have multiple posts in your campaigns. By adding multiple Promoted Ads and varying the creative (i.e. using a button, image + URL in post copy, just post copy + URL, etc), you allow the algorithm to have more ads to choose from when determining your best performing ad. Refresh your creatives often.

How can businesses use Twitter Analytics to measure the success of their marketing campaigns? ›

Twitter Analytics gives detailed insights into your content's performance on Twitter. It lets you track video views, impressions, and link clicks. This Twitter analytics dashboard helps you understand user engagement. It's essential for boosting brand awareness.

How can I improve my Twitter algorithm? ›

6 tips for working with the Twitter algorithm to maximize engagement
  1. Post consistently. ...
  2. Post at the best times. ...
  3. Choose the right content types and formats. ...
  4. Optimize for engagement. ...
  5. Respond quickly to replies. ...
  6. Consider running Twitter ads.
May 28, 2024

How can I improve my Twitter marketing? ›

10 Twitter marketing tips, ranked from easiest to most advanced
  1. Optimize your profile. ...
  2. Engage with your audience. ...
  3. Run a Twitter poll. ...
  4. Schedule your tweets for optimal post times. ...
  5. Let's get visual (for higher engagement) ...
  6. Master the art of the thread. ...
  7. Become a hashtag expert. ...
  8. Tune in with social listening.

How can Twitter improve performance? ›

Use Relevant Keywords and Hashtags:

Similarly, use relevant hashtags to increase the discoverability of your content and engage with broader conversations. However, it's important to strike a balance and avoid overusing hashtags, as it may come across as spammy.

How do I optimize my business Twitter? ›

How to Optimize Your Twitter Profile for Your Business or Brand
  1. Pay Attention to Your Twitter Bio. ...
  2. Include a Header Image. ...
  3. Carefully Select Your Profile Image. ...
  4. Drive People to Your Website. ...
  5. Add a location to Your Profile. ...
  6. Make Sure You Have a Public Profile. ...
  7. Pin a Tweet to Your Profile.
Feb 17, 2020

What makes Twitter effective? ›

Twitter's real-time communication facilitates direct customer engagement and rapid content sharing. Effective strategies on Twitter involve content creation, community engagement, and the use of analytics.

How do I run a successful Twitter campaign? ›

8 Tips to Help You Create Successful Twitter Ads
  1. Set a goal. If you're going to run a Twitter advertising campaign, you need to set a goal. ...
  2. Target a specific audience. ...
  3. Convey a sense of urgency. ...
  4. Create engaging ads. ...
  5. Be mindful of hashtags. ...
  6. Make your ads visual. ...
  7. Use powerful calls to action (CTA) ...
  8. Test your ads.

How do I increase my campaign optimization score? ›

How can you improve your Optimization Score?
  1. Track performance metrics most important to your business. ...
  2. Remove redundant keywords and add high-performing search queries as keywords. ...
  3. Carry out an audit for conflicting negatives, ad assets, and conversion trackers.
Apr 11, 2023

How would you optimize the campaigns for success? ›

How can you improve your campaign performance?
  1. Review your audience targeting criteria. ...
  2. Choose the right channel for your ad campaign. ...
  3. Improve the copy, titles, thumbnails & visuals of your campaign touchpoints. ...
  4. Set up A/B testing to refine your campaign optimization process.

How can we use analytics to determine effective digital campaigns? ›

You can use techniques such as A/B testing and track metrics such as conversion rates, customer engagement, and ROI to identify which marketing methods are successful and which require adjustment.

Why is Twitter used as an effective marketing tool? ›

One of the great options for using Twitter as a marketing tool is its ability to track mentions. Brand mentions provide a variety of insights to brand managers: Overall sentiment related to the brand, as well as specific facets of the brand. Customer complaints regarding the product, service, or usage of the brand.

How do you analyze Twitter analytics? ›

Go to one of your posts, then tap View analytics. For that post, you can see how many likes, retweets, and comments it has, as well as Tweet impressions and engagements. Plus, three more metrics: New followers: People who followed you directly from this post.

How do I increase my Twitter viewership? ›

How to encourage viewers to tune into your show or network
  1. Use Twitter to #GoLive. ...
  2. Use the lower third to display usernames and hashtags. ...
  3. Live-Tweet to attract more viewers. ...
  4. Use video to connect with fans. ...
  5. Use Twitter threads to tell a story. ...
  6. Use polls to take the pulse of your audience. ...
  7. Pin a Tweet to the top of your profile.

How to increase Twitter views? ›

Grab it here.
  1. Know your audience. Hint: It's not everyone. ...
  2. Talk with your followers, not at them. Buffer's Kevan Lee says you need to know the difference between “voice” and “tone“. ...
  3. Use relevant hashtags. ...
  4. Know when to tweet. ...
  5. Add calls-to-action. ...
  6. Realize less isn't more. ...
  7. Use images. ...
  8. Be personal.
Apr 4, 2024

How do I get more traffic to my Twitter? ›

Here are 10 practical tips on how to attract legit Twitter followers and gain more traffic to your site:
  1. Get Active on Twitter. ...
  2. Use Online Tools to Attract Legit Twitter Followers. ...
  3. Have a Solid Social Media Marketing Strategy. ...
  4. Attract legit Twitter followers with an interesting profile. ...
  5. Know your target audience.
Sep 24, 2023

How do I increase my Twitter SEO? ›

Keyword-Optimized Tweets:

Include relevant keywords and hashtags naturally within your tweet content. Research trending topics and use popular hashtags to increase discoverability. Avoid keyword stuffing and maintain the readability and relevance of your tweets. You can use Twitter SEO tools for monitoring as well.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Phone: +9418513585781

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Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.